‘ The company you can rely on ‘

G.C Vingt trois Ltd is a dynamic company which combines years of expertise in civil engineering and specialization in micro-trenching, with now +300km completed trench works. We strive to provide with high quality services, on-time performance using adequate machineries and motivated & trained workforce.

What is micro-trenching? – The ‘Micro-trenching’ know-how:

Micro Trenching is a low-impact alternative to more traditional methods of installing underground cable. Using specific micro trenching equipment, thin trenches are excavated to the required depth by skilled operators, allowing for quick installation of the ducts and fiber optic cables.

Why choose micro-trenching?

The high cost involved by using heavy machinery (requiring road closure), extensive labour hours, complete repair of the roads, cost associated with the removal of excavated material from the site and extensive project duration due to  weather delays or   disruption of surrounding community are all common problems associated with conventional trenching.

While Micro-trenching applicable to all ground types (asphalt, concrete, rocks, and soil) is a much more economical and environmentally friendly procedure.

It has advantages such as:

  • Incurring minor impact to surrounding infrastructure and community.
  • Minimal and faster deployment on site.
  • Minimal impact on existing infrastructure, making the process of right-of-way easier.
  • Low carting away
  • Quicker delivery times

Financial advantages

  • Less workforce required
  • Less material required
  • No costs due to the realignment of existing services


 The use of this technology is 5 times cheaper and 10 times faster than a more traditional method while incurring minor impact to surrounding infrastructure and community.

